"Out of the mouths of children and babies Thou hast ordained praise...." (Psalm 8:2)
Choose Life Websites And Resources
Encouraging Mothers And Fathers To Choose Life For Their Unborn Babies
On this page, we want to refer you to resources and websites by other pro-life ministries.
Click here to request your free copy of "Why Pro-Life?" by Randy Alcorn.
List of National (United States of America)
and International Crisis Pregnancy Centers
(We have not personally screened every crisis pregnancy center included in this list. It is our goal, however, to provide you with a full selection of pro-life pregnancy
ministries who can assist you financially, materially, medically, and legally, as well as spiritually, emotionally, and educationally in your pregnancy and in the safe delivery of your baby.)
American Life League
(an incredible wealth of information
on abortion and birth control)
Resources from Eternal Perspective Ministries
Listen To Gianna Jessen's Testimony Online
A Voice For Life
- Melissa Ohden's Story -
(and lots of helpful information
for mothers in a crisis)
- Abby Johnson's Journey -
Listen To Abby Johnson (Former
Planned Parenthood Director) Online
Teen Defenders
Does Abortion Help Prevent Abuse Of "Unwanted" Children?
Appeal To Those Undecided About Abortion
Should This Baby Be Aborted?
Too Many Aborted
- A Story About Choice -
Are The Unborn Human?
Are The Unborn Persons?
Children Are A Blessing
(a DVD)
Life Dynamics
The Importance Of Informed Choice
Fetal Development Picture Slideshow
DVDs from Christian Book Distributors
Books from Christian Book Distributors